After a long delay, I realized its been a while since I’ve made another proper food post so I thought it was time to dish up some more food from around the world. Most of these foods cover my travels through Northern Europe into Russia, down to Mongolia and then south from there into China. Let me know if you want me to send any of this your way…
So as I mentioned earlier, let me know if you want me to send any of these dishes your way!!
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Wow!! Rory what a great post showing so many different, strange, delicious and gross dishes. I grew in Panama as you know and I was picky so I never developed an appreciation for some things that are eaten en Panama, such as the chicken feet, pig’s feet or certain fish dishes….I didn’t even eat shrimp while living in Panama. To me the taste of their shrimp is much stronger than the shrimp I did finally start eating in the US.
Different, strange and delicious are great descriptions to sum it up! I actually wish I’d tried more things along the way in some of these countries but usually the most challenging part is either ordering without knowing the language so you just point and guess or you don’t get those needed recommendations from the locals…