A lonely travel route? Not so much….

The start of a Tapas Tour in Granada, Spain

The start of a Tapas Tour in Granada, Spain

OK, so I thought I would drop a quick post to let you all know that this has not been a lonely travel route, far from it, and it seems many are anxious to see some photos of people I have met along the way. Of course it’s hard to post every photo I have taken along the way but here are some snapshots.

Out for Tapas in Seville, Spain

Out for Tapas in Seville, Spain

I realize that these may come across as everyday photos but what is most interesting is the fact that very few of the people in these photos are from the U.S. So far, I have met people from the following countries: New Zealand, U.S., Algeria, Ecuador, Columbia, South Korea, China, Japan, Denmark, Austria, Italy,  Mexico, Canada, U.K., France, Spain, Portugal, Slovenia, Russia, Brazil, Norway, Latvia, Ireland, Scotland, United Arab Emirates, and Poland. Oh, and how can I forget Australia…

Tapas in Seville, Spain

Same group as above but opposite side of the table...

Believe it or not, there aren’t too many Americans traveling overseas on the route I have taken so far but many, many from Australia and a good bit from Canada as well. I’m sure this is going to change however as I travel to different regions of the world.

Friends from Austria and France in Seville

Sightseeing with Friends from Austria and France in Seville

Some I have met just in hostels, some I have gone out for drinks with or gone sightseeing with and others I have even traveled with from one city to the next. So far the trip has been far from lonely though I know that may change as i travel to less frequently traveled areas.

Catching a game in an Irish Pub in Seville, Spain

Out to watch Barcelona take on Madrid in soccer in an Irish pub in Seville. Irish pub or not, the fans were going crazy.

As I sit here and write this, I’m sitting on top a rooftop terrace overlooking the city of Lagos, Portugal with a bunch of Ozzies drinking some coffee and listening to Cotton-Eyed Joe on the radio that has been redone in a sort of Spanish style remake. Needless to say, things have been great so far and I often think back to where I was in the states just two weeks ago and what I had been doing. Leaving my travel route open-ended has probably been the best decision so far and my plans on where I will travel to in the future are changing everyday as I meet and talk to others that have either been to a place or have plans to travel another destination.

Another Tapas Tour in Seville

Yet another Tapas Tour in Seville that later turned into a pub crawl

Please remember though that even though I have met many people and made many friends along my route, I still love hearing from you all so please keep the comments and emails coming my way!!! It helps to keep me connected and plugged in to your lives back home.

New friends in Lagos, Portugal

Some new friends made in Lagos, Portugal

I also thought it would be fun to provide some random tidbits of information:

-Because Europeans spend their ‘holiday’ (vacation) during the month of August, the majority of all businesses on my route so far have been closed until August 31st.

– Today is the first day I have seen rain and to be honest, it’s a welcome change because it has been extremely hot with almost no wind in Southern Spain.

-I’ve seen more folks smoking here than in the U.S. but the major difference is the fact that they roll their own cigarettes which I’m finding is more a European thing than just exclusive to Spain.

– I’ve heard Eminem playing almost everywhere I’ve been so far. However this was much the same the last time I was in Europe

– A plastic grocery bag will cost you 3 cents

– Less than half the people I have met so far have know where North Carolina is so I am definitely representing our state while abroad! They all think I have a weird accent too.

– The few that do know of North Carolina often reference it to Michael Jordan which is pretty cool I guess.

– The Spanish will mix cheap red wine with Coca-Cola with a half and half mixture. I’m not sure yet what they call this drink.

– Facebook has become my new ‘phone’ to meet up with people since I do not have an active phone to use and many others I’ve found are doing the same.

– They have Aldi grocery stores here.

– The Australian word for a redneck is a Bogan.

– The McDonalds in Spain has an option for potato wedges over regular fries.

More tidbits to come…


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29 Comments... Join the conversation below

  • sandy August 20, 2011, 6:37 pm

    Sounds like you are having great time. I notice more females than males at the topas bars. Jim and I are in Ireland and the neighbor was kind enough to let us use his wifi.

    Keep the pictures coming. You look good for someone with 2 shirts and a pair of pants.

    • Rory August 21, 2011, 8:09 am

      Haha, thanks Sandy. Yeah, I´ll be purchasing some new shirts soon! Keep me updated on your travels as I am still planning on heading to Budapest, just don´t know an exact date yet. Great to hear from you and glad all is well!

  • Mike H August 20, 2011, 7:00 pm

    Awesome these are great photos! International ladies man RKC! Hope all is well I am seriously jealous!!

    • Rory August 21, 2011, 8:14 am

      What´s Mike! (Honey Bear) Great to hear from you. Have you found anyone at the Y to fill my absence? How are the kids?

      • Mike H August 22, 2011, 1:34 am

        Yes….. me myself and I, but we are hanging in there getting ripped. Kids are great and Dana says hello she loves the photos man it look like its a incredible trip so far! PS scenery looks awesome!!

    • Mike H August 22, 2011, 1:47 am

      Hey Rory- it’s Dana…

      I am so impressed with you!!!! I am so happy for you and just excited for all of your amazing experiences. Be safe and always be looking around, ok (sorry, it’s the Mama in me)!

      Love ya, D

      • Rory August 22, 2011, 5:03 pm

        Hey Dana! Glad to hear from you and I hope the little ones are doing well!!

  • Bill Cummins August 20, 2011, 9:17 pm

    Rory, looks like you could qualify for an appointment to the U.N. or maybe as an ambassador to a foreign country with all the international contacts you are making. Glad to see you are finding lots of friends to share your experience with. I am sure you are representing the USA very well. Nonnie Jean will be interested to know there are Aldi stores where you are. Hearing the local tidbits is very interesting and the photos are great. Will send you an email on Jerry’s recommendations re: Switzerland and an update on Ben/Albania. Enjoy !!

    • Rory August 21, 2011, 8:15 am

      Sounds good!

  • Nonnie Eleanor August 20, 2011, 10:20 pm

    Dear Rory,
    I am here at Aunt Leonora’s house watching all the pictures you have sent. It was a thrill to see you with all those young travelers like yourself.You look great,and all those young people all seemed to be very happy. I hope you are eating your fruits and vegetables! Miss you terribly and hope the time passes rapidly so we could see you soon again. Your plants are doing well – I am a good foster mother! I will keep in touch. Please be extra, extra careful. Look left and right. Don’t trust anybody. Love Nonnie

    • Rory August 21, 2011, 8:19 am

      Hey Non! Too funny to have you on here writing me messages! Great to hear from you though and I definitely need to eat more of my veggies. Take good care of my plants and keep in touch!!

  • Lee Kaufmann August 21, 2011, 1:29 am

    Hi Rory,
    Glad to see that you have some fun travel companions. Everyone looks happy. Do most speak English? I was with Nonnie today and showed her this blog. She loved it and read every word. She also left a comment but I don’t see it anywhere. I logged out quickly after she left it so I am afraid it never posted. To paraphrase Nonnie: She is very happy that you have traveling companions. She said that you look good. She wanted you to know that she is taking good care of your plants and that she is a good foster mom to them. She reminded you to eat fruts and vegetables. Then she said for you to be careful, to look front and back and not to trust anyone. She said that she loves you very much and misses you a lot. She wants you to come home soon. I will make sure Nonnie keeps up with your blog. Keep well and we all miss you. Love Auntie Lee

    • Rory August 21, 2011, 8:23 am

      Hi Aunt Lee! Great to hear from you! Yes, most of the people in these photos speak pretty good english however, surprisingly most of the locals I´ve met throughout Southern Spain do not speak English or at least not too much so it been good to know some Spanish.

  • Rosanne Losee August 21, 2011, 1:57 am

    HolyHeartAttack, Batman! And here I thought you might be getting ‘lonely’!

    Hey, Rory….these are just super photos. What a great good-looking group of young people! Rick was amazed that you are meeting so many different friends of so many divergent nationalities. Portugal! Wow. I heard once that the Portuguese language is one of the hardest one to learn in the world. Did you make any contacts that might keep up with you after you leave that area of the world? I bet you do.

    Coke + cheap wine + half and half? ye gods.
    I can imagine all the new, interesting, (and not so interesting foods and drinks you will encounter along the way, for sure)

    This blog is wonderful, Rory. And it is going to be a wonderful travelogue for your children some day to read about your world adventure. I look here everyday, so I will be posting soon again…and looking forward to your
    new experiences.
    Have loads of fun dear Son!

    • Rory August 21, 2011, 8:26 am

      To be honest, I really haven´t met many Portuguese here because this town I am in is very touristy and believe it or not, its made up almost entirely of Australians on Holiday but some do work here as well.

  • Rosanne Losee August 21, 2011, 1:58 am

    An Irish pub in Seville?

    That one makes me smile.

    • Rory August 21, 2011, 8:28 am

      Yeah. Go figure. We search out to find one of the bars that is going to show the game and we end up in what is probably Seville´s only Irish pub! To add even more irony, after leaving there we ended up in a Scottish pub not too far from there…

  • Caroline Ayscue August 21, 2011, 2:09 am

    What’s the story Rory!!! Clearly you have been getting along just great. So glad you are meeting people and having a fabalous time. Things in Virginia are great – I am adjusting to my new position at the enterprise just fine. It is fun working about 15 feet from Marc. I will let him know about the mojitos – he was asking about you the other day.
    Just remember not to take anything from strangers and to be safe over there buddy! Absolutely love the blog – I have many friends/family following you.
    Hey……what are you missing the most about the states?

    • Rory August 21, 2011, 8:34 am

      Whats the Story Caroline! Glad to hear all is well and definitely tell Marc I say hello! And yes, Mojitos are very popular over here but they make them different. Instead of simple syrup where the sugar is dissolved they just put in huge sugar crystals in the bottom that really never dissolve so if using a straw, expect a ´pixie stick´like recurrence from your childhood.

      So what am I missing most? I have been craving a really good Jersey Mike´s sub for some reason! However we ate in the one of top 30 best burger joints in the world here in Lagos last night and it held up to its reputation and fame…

  • Tim P August 22, 2011, 5:32 pm

    So I finally got around to checking your blog….looks like I have been missing out on a lot. You really paint a great picture of the culture and look forward to keeping up with your travels. We might need to send you an App State shirt to represent!
    Take care,

    • Rory August 23, 2011, 9:28 am

      Hey Tim! Great to hear from you and yes, I should have brought something Appstate related!! Maybe something to wear in front of the Taj Mahal? Stay in touch!

  • Bill Cummins August 23, 2011, 1:29 am

    Hey Rory, Cousin John is here with me and wants to know why all these photos with the you and the girls are always long range shots? He thinks you should send a few close ups!! We have been reading the comments on your blog and he also thinks from all these girls in the photos you need to be doing more than just looking left and right and front and back for your own protection. Looks like the people following you on your blog is growing and I am sure that will continue to increase. Just think you have only been out there for 2 weeks. Talked to a young guy at Ferguson today and told him what you are doing and he envies you adventure as well. Blog is great. Photos are fantastic and I know you are really enjoying it. Keep us all informed of some of the things you find really different and interesting.

    • Rory August 23, 2011, 9:30 am

      Ha, well tell Cousin John I said hello and that I will do my best with the next string of photos…And yes, its really hard to believe its only been about two weeks!

  • Sandy August 25, 2011, 10:03 pm

    Great job with the photos and descriptions. We are all enjoying it.

    We are back from Ireland and plan to be in Budapest arriving Sept.9 and departing Sept.12. Do you know your plans yet?

    • Rory August 26, 2011, 10:56 am

      Hi Sandy! I am actually trying to make my plans today for the next few weeks and I’m definitely planning travel to Budapest. I will plan to meet one of those days with you two just don’t know yet exactly which day. I will be coming in from the south and heading north. For the day of the 9th and 12th, are you having most of the day to enjoy for each or will you be coming in late on the 9th and leaving early on the 12th?

  • MaryEllen Bell September 5, 2011, 1:12 pm

    Hi Rory
    Lynn found your blog and I am following it and also the comments. We all envy you. What a great experience for you. I will keep Nonnie Jean informed . She doesn’t have a computer so I can’t share your pictures. So far do you like Spain??? Aunt MaryEllen

    • Rory September 9, 2011, 8:24 am

      HI Mary Ellen, great to hear from you and glad you found me on here! Yes, overall Spain was a great experience and would recommend anyone to go there. Just be aware that in Southern Spain, not too much English is spoken so you just have to get used to that.

      Stay in touch!

  • Robin Simmons November 30, 2011, 7:24 pm

    Hi Rory! Sounds like you are having a blast and meeting lots of cool people!! We miss you much….keep the blog going, love reading it.
    Happy Holidays :-) Robin

    • Rory December 2, 2011, 11:13 am

      Hey Robin! Miss ya’ll too! Great hearing from you and stay in touch!

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