What is your site about?
It’s about travel, inspiration and lifestyle design. The things I’m most passionate about and also the things I’m here to help you with!
Why did you leave the USA to travel the world?
To explore, to experience, and to fulfill my dream of traveling the world, plain and simple…
Why the hell would you want to travel around the world? Are you crazy?!
Umm… why wouldn’t you want to? What kind of question is that?!
What’s been your favorite country so far?
Iceland, hands down. It may not be for everyone but for those that love wide open spaces, natural beauty, changing landscapes and waterfalls around every turn, Iceland is a pretty awesome place! I can’t wait to go back. You can see why in my Ring Road Series, which not surprisingly is one of my most popular blog post series! I guess many others feel the same way I do. If you go or have been, I’d love to hear about your experience!
So what do you travel with in your backpack?
This question got asked so often I decided to write an entire post on it.
How can you travel solo? Isn’t it lonely?
Another popular question… Yes, it can be lonely at times but those times are few and far between. When you travel as I do, you’re rarely ever alone. In fact, it felt as if I’d been traveling ‘solo’ only a handful of times since I had met so many people along the way. For some great insight into this question, see my article on the advantages and disadvantages of traveling alone.
How can you just quit your job and travel the world?
Pretty easy… you just turn in your notice. The harder part is getting yourself to do so. With enough desire and some planning, I’d say anything is possible.
Where are you going to sleep at night? In the woods? Under a bridge?
Ahh…no, that is just ridiculous. There are these things called beds invented during the Neolithic Period around 9500 B.C. I will hopefully be using one on a frequent basis.
Are you having a midlife crisis?
No, definitely not. And if I were, that would imply that I’m only going to make it to 60! I’m just turning a dream into reality at what I think is the best possible time to do so.
Did you win the Lottery?
No, in fact I’ve never played the lottery though winning one would have been awesome and made things much easier. So no lottery, no trust fund, and no selling myself along the way to fund my travels either… Believe it or not, after doing some research and planning, you’ll find your costs to travel for extended periods of time are not near as expensive as you thought.