The World’s Longest, Most Epic Road Trip?

If you didn’t catch CNN’s article last week about the proposed plans to build the world’s longest superhighway, it’s completely alright, I’ll fill you in…

Vladimir Yakunin, the president of Russia’s Railways, has been pushing for development of a super highway of sorts that could potentially allow travelers to drive from London all the way through Russia’s 11 time zones, cross the Bering Straight and continue onward into Alaska. That’s right… It’s a potential route that could allow you to drive ‘across the world‘ fully, bypassing the Pacific Ocean without having to take a plane or ship. London to New York by car my friends… it would be quite amazing!

Most Epic Road Trip - New York to London


Could this be the World’s Longest Most Epic Road Trip?


Yes, quite possibly this could be the most epic road trip. And we are going to take the concept a bit further…


Imagine for a second actually being able to drive from Russia to Alaska. Yeah, pretty crazy. And of course there would be some amazing scenery along the way right? Well, just for a second, let’s play the imagination game. Lets say they DO in fact build this highway. As far as I can remember, they constructed and completed the Panama Canal back in 1914, correct? OK, so that means there’s a bridge there right? Yep.. OK, so then ‘hypothetically, Mr. Vladmir Superhighway Man would then grant us the ability to take a road trip from the far reaches of Southern Spain, onward through Russia, over to Alaska, down through Canada and mainland US, into Central America and finishing in Patagonia right close to the launch point for Antarctica’s tours that leave from Argentina. That alone would make it the most epic road trip…

But wait you say! Can’t you shuttle your vehicle across the Straight of Gibraltar between Africa and Europe via Tarifa, Spain and Tangier, Morocco. Why yes you can! Sweet mango that means I can drive now from beautiful Cape Town, South Africa hit up Kilimanjaro while heading north, drive through the desert sands of the Sahara, cruise through Europe, follow the Trans-Siberian route through Russia before reaching North America and heading south on our last tour ending up in beautiful Patagonia… So doesn’t this look even more enticing:


Most Epic Road Trip - Cape Town to Patagonia


 I think it’s time for a new set of tires!



Currently there are only 55 miles separating Alaska from Russia. Of course, there are some options: build a tunnel, build a bridge or set up a ferry service. Either way, the possibilities are endless when it comes to an epic road trip…

Wouldn’t you agree that this would be the most epic road trip known to man? In case you want the full article, check out CNN’s article on Russia’s proposed superhighway.


Here are 11 reasons why I think we should push to make this happen:


1. The two word phrase ‘Road Trip’ would have a whole new meaning


2.  Scared passengers will no longer have to fly over the Pacific


3. Sarah Palin can set up a bed and breakfast halfway point and even serve street side lemonade to all passerby’s


4. It would give new meaning to the question, ‘Are we there yet’?


5. By listening to audio CDs on the way, you could achieve fluency in Russian by the time you reached Moscow if leaving from the US mainland


6. You’ll never have to worry again about ‘checked and carry on’ bags due to weight since you can just toss them in your car.


7. With a highly fuel efficient car, you could potentially travel very very cheaply as opposed to flying


8. You could even sleep in your car (or RV camper) thereby saving even more money on your travels

(although it would smell hideously by the time you reach Siberia)


9. The world would become more united (and well traveled)


10. You would have many more amazing stories to tell and experiences to share vs flying

(and that assumes you’re not even picking up hitchhikers)


11. Gas station hot dog and Pringles sales would hit a new level

(Not sure that would be a good thing…)


Alright, so then all we’d need is a link between Southeast Asia and and Australia for the future. Who is wanting that one as well?!?


That would mean you could potentially end up with this!


World's Longest most Epic Road Trip


Who else thinks this is a good idea to connect Russia to Alaska via a superhighway to create the world’s most epic road trip?


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5 Comments... Join the conversation below

  • Fabiana April 21, 2015, 10:17 pm

    Wow! This really looks epic. I am going to keep my eyes open for your blog, I want to hear about EVERYTHIGN that you do. Sounds so fun!

    • Rory April 22, 2015, 7:00 am

      Thanks Fabiana!

  • Sarah B April 27, 2015, 10:31 am

    What a rad concept! I love the two other extensive maps you’ve come up with! You’re going for gold on this one!

    • Rory April 27, 2015, 1:15 pm

      It would be one hell of a road trip!

  • Melissa | Suitcase and Heels April 28, 2015, 8:39 pm

    That would seriously be one epic road trip!
    Melissa | Suitcase and Heels recently posted…The Gallery Inn – San Juan, Puerto RicoMy Profile

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